Joris failed to tip the closest Time throughout the Tipster, despite tipping every single game. Lucky in love, unlucky in Cards. And Tipsters. And country of birth. And... actually, quite a few things.
Robert was the best at tipping the closest Time (winning in 7 matches), but never tipped the exact Time.
Ines achieved 3 exact Times.
On average throughout the Tipster, Simon was the closest to the correct Time: just 23.8 minutes wrong on average.
Despite this, he only tipped the actual closest Time in 2 matches.
In contrast, Tino was on average the furthest from the correct Time: 34.8 minutes wrong on average.
Despite this, he managed to tip the closest Time in 5 matches.
That shows how irrelevant averages can be.
Scores and Margins
Ines achieved 10 perfect scores.
Alex and Andre did this 8 times.
Axel only achieved this once (Switzerland - Poland)
Ines achieved 8 correct Margins, Tino achieved 7.
Andre tipped the correct result 18 times (5 points each). A goal here, a goal there, and Andre could have finished in the top three.
Everybody tipped the correct first Scorer at least once. Ben and Joris both tipped the correct Scorer 8 times.
Points per Tip
Ines average 4.80 points per tip, which was fewer than Alex, with 4.83. If Alex had tipped all 51 matches and maintained that average, his (theoretical) total would have been 247 points; Ines won the tipster with 245 points.
Instead, Alex finished in 13th place with 145 points, which shows that theory isn't as much use as actually tipping and scoring points.
On the other hand, one person did tip every game, yet averaged just 2.63 points per tip. I won't mention that person's name. ;-)
Being Right...
Simon chose the right winner 8 times from the 27 he tipped, a success rate of 30%. In other words, he was wrong in 19 matches, or 70% of his total.
Joris was right 26 times; Soren 25 times; Andy and Paul 24; Andre, Jim and Tino 23 times.
Unsurprisingly, champion Ines was right (either correct Score, correct Margin, or correct result) the most times, in 31 out of 51 matches.
And on the topic of being right... Simon used the correct password for 4 of his Tips. :-)
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